Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Monday, September 27, 2021
Friday, September 24, 2021
Indigenous Catholic FAITH :)
It is impossible to fully understand what it means to be a Catholic in North America without a sincere appreciation for the Catholic tradition among so many native tribes. www.kofc.org |
Saturday, September 18, 2021
Friday, September 17, 2021
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Homo homini lupus est.- An archpastoral reflection on the current situation in Australia.
Monday, September 13, 2021
Homo homini lupus est.
(SOC-AU) - An archpastoral reflection on the current situation in Australia.“But He answered and said to them,
I tell you that if these should keep silent,
the stones would immediately cry out!” (Luke 19:40)
To Whom It May Concern,
I am compelled by my conscience as Bishop of the faithful entrusted to me, to address by way of this open letter my deep concerns regarding the situation our Nation has spiraled into during this current health crisis, which we fear is becoming more of a crisis of humanity than that of health itself.
The Latin proverb Homo homini lupus est, "A man is a wolf to another man," has tragically found its new form and expression in today’s crisis as: Homo homini virus est!
Man has become a virus to his fellow man in this ever-changing world and dystopian looking society. This is not hyperbole; it is happening right now around us. Just look at our workplaces, formerly places of collegiality and friendship, now rapidly digressing into segregation, suspicion, bullying and ridicule of those who have not yet received the green tick!
A vivid example of this was presented to me by one of our faithful in possession of a medical exemption, who has been labelled a health risk by their colleagues and has ever since been treated with contempt and discrimination, as if they were a leper, a walking virus.
This type of behaviour would previously be deemed unacceptable, however in the ‘new normal’ of today’s dystopian society it is subtly encouraged through media hysteria which is fueling mass psychosis, in which fear and anxiety, mistrust and segregation have become the new Gospel!
The policy of “no jab, no job”, has had and continues to have an impact on the well-being and mental health of many who feel that they have been pushed into a corner and forced to take the vaccine without the right to informed consent and right of conscience. This should not be happening anywhere in the world, especially in a democracy such as Australia. People have a legitimate right to be concerned and to ask questions regarding these particular vaccines, as they are still dubbed to be in their clinical trial phase, as recently stated by the Australian Minister for Health.
These measures, or workplace policies, have created many social and existential anxieties that have impacted the community.
No blackmail or coercion, including that of vaccination is morally acceptable. Without freedom of choice there is no humanity.
Orthodox Christianity professes that the human person is created in the image and likeness of God and that the central quality or attribute of this Image is the gift of free will, the ability to make an informed and free choice.
For example, following Christ in the Orthodox Church is ontologically significant because following Christ leads to formation, i.e., human transformation and completion = perfection = salvation. However, through the lens of Orthodox soteriology this is a synergetic act(ion) which entails a free disposition on humanity’s part. Christ himself says: “If anyone DESIRES to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me” (Matthew 16:24). Christ leaves us with a choice, does not cancel out human freedom to choose, does not impose salvation.
St Irenaeus also echoes this:
“…because God made man a free agent from the beginning, possessing his own power, even as he does his own soul, to obey the behests of God voluntarily, and not by compulsion of God.
For there is no coercion with God, but a good will towards us is present with Him continually. And therefore does He give good counsel to all. In man, as well as the angels, He has placed the power of choice…”
- St. Irenaeus, Against the Heresies, IV, 37, I
This should not be equivocated to an anti-vax position, but rather one of informed consent, also considering any ethical concerns that those of faith might have.
Orthodox Christians, for example, have a moral issue accepting vaccines that have been developed from cell lines that were obtained from tissues harvested from aborted fetuses. The issue of ethical concerns for such vaccines was raised last year by some of the major Christian jurisdictions in Australia, such as the Roman Catholic, the Anglican and Greek Orthodox Archdioceses.
Therefore, the moral concerns of Christians should be taken into consideration, as they are not simply subjective views, but derive from the fundamental positions and core beliefs of the Church.
That is why our faithful may appeal to this, our Archpastoral letter, and other statements of the Orthodox Church as to why they are unable to receive these particular vaccines.
I would also like to mention as a great concern the alarming prospects of the introduction of Vaccine Passports. I believe that this will lead to a two-tiered society, it will divide people, families, and friends and will provide a basis for acts of discrimination and ostracization.
In relation to this, media reports have also mentioned that “Churches will be required to use Vaccination Certificate Systems for Vaccinated-ONLY Worship”?!?
This is totally foreign to the Spirit of the Church, to the ecclesiology, the Holy Gospel and Tradition of the Church. We could never accept or adopt such a practice! It would entail discrimination against those who are members of the same Body, The Body of Christ, His Holy Church. How can we go against the Gospel? Against Christ who exclaims: “Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Mathew 11:28).
We cannot accept the polarisation of the faithful, it goes against the very nature of the Church and we will not be implementing this system in our churches.
The Church embraces all who seek Christ, those vaccinated and unvaccinated. It will seek to heal a wounded and heavy-laden society, not inflict new wounds and burdens.
I pray that Christ illumines and heals us all, this society immersed in the darkness of sorrow and anxiety, that we may perceive our fellow neighbours, not as a virus, but as those fashioned in His image and likeness.
With Archpastoral love and blessings,
+ S I L U A N
Bishop of the Metropolitante of Australia and New Zealand
The Serbian Orthodox Church
Sunday, September 12, 2021
Friday, September 10, 2021
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Conversion Therapy: Six Points Worth Considering | Desert Stream - Living Waters
First, ‘conversion therapy’ is the current lightning rod of contempt for anyone who refuses LGBT+ identity and destiny. And anyone who supports that decision: friends and family, churches, therapists. While celebrating every person’... www.desertstream.org |
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
29. Friendship with God is enough. He takes care of all the details of love you will ever need. Follow his ways. He takes care of you.
30. Inner questions about 'who you are' will arise and need to be considered, reflected upon closely, prayerfully. He keeps holding you if you want to be held. Don't hate yourself; don't, or try not to reject and hate the parts of you that you find hardest to love.
'Having possession of beauty' in 'the image of' or 'in association with' another human leaves you starving for more. It is like drinking water from a mirage, or 'feasting' in a dream or fantasy, in either case you remain despairing and starved. You have been created in the Image and Likeness of Jesus, Let Him Be your Identity, He makes you Whole, He makes you Beautiful. You will grow to know His love for you and begin to see who you are through His eyes loving you, and helping you to live out what is important in this life.
31. Some days are harder than others. Call a friend you trust to talk about things, laugh, and pray together :)
Blessed Ceferino Gimenez Malla - Martyr of the Rosary
JOYFULLY ORTHODOX CATHOLIC: 26 - 28 August - Only relationship with Jesus Christ
26. The love you need is met by God.
27. Reach out to those who care for you and respond to those who reach out to you, who you know are safe.
28. Physical attraction, attraction to 'the beautiful/the strong', it is passing. Even if grasped there is nothing there but the incomplete moment the does not deliver what the imagination and the hope somehow 'promised' falsely. There is nothing there to hold on to. Only relationship with Jesus Christ will bring substance, flesh, to what you truly long for.
JOYFULLY ORTHODOX CATHOLIC: 23 - 25 August - God's love for you is not mediated by sex
23. Talk to friends who will help you find your way through days/times of despair. They are the face and hands and heart of Jesus for you. The saints of God in heaven and on earth are supporting you.
24. Your relationship with Jesus Christ is the entire substance of your healthy relationships with others. It is no longer you who live but Jesus who gives you your life.
25. God's love for you is not mediated by sex. God's love for you comes to you in the pure love of hearts for you who see you and know you with and through the eyes and heart of God's love for you - with and in and through the love of Jesus who died for love of you, and lives for love of you, and comes to you in the love and power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
18. Your addictions are there. Try your best not to let them get the better of you. Mass and regular confession will help you. Best you go to a church where you have an actual community - even better if you are friends with the priest.
19. No matter how hard it may be to go to Mass and stay at Mass once you're there, your soul, the depths of your being needs Jesus as you meet Him there.
20. Your faith and moral convictions keep you alive.
21. Temptations to sexual sin are a 'siren song' that lead you to the rocks that will 'destroy your ship/life'. Beauty is powerful; strength embodied in beauty is powerful, even breathtaking, and that is a Good and a gift from God to you and to the world. Sometimes you'll feel overwhelmed by emotions, and confusion. Sometimes you'll crash and burn: but Jesus is bigger than all the temptations that can grip you and He stays with you no matter what.
Friday, September 3, 2021
Wednesday, September 1, 2021
“Flower of Carmel~FLOS CARMELI” -- One of the Most Beautiful Prayers Ever Written — Integrated Catholic Life™
"Flower of Carmel" — One of the Most Beautiful Prayers Ever Written
by Carmelite Sisters | July 16, 2014 12:01 am
"The Madonna of Carmel and the Souls of the Purgatory" (detail)
by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
Every year on July 16th, Carmelites throughout the world celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, patroness of the Carmelite Order. If you want to know how we feel about Mary, our Mother, spend a few minutes reflecting on one of the most beautiful prayers ever written, the Flos Carmeli.
Most of us pray — before meals, morning and/or night prayers, many people pray before a trip, and at Mass, of course. Yet, for all of us, there are times in life when we really pray, I mean, a sincere, heart-gripping, heart-felt prayer, a prayer filled with faith and yearning and pleading, a prayer of love. Often something very important is a stake and the prayer takes on a great importance within the whole situation. When "push comes to shove" as the saying goes, we Catholics know how to really pray our prayers from our hearts. And down on our knees we go!
Still, many of us, if not the majority of us, do not pray with such intensity every single day. It wells up within us only during times of suffering, crisis, and confusion.
The Flos Carmeli is a Carmelite hymn and prayer. Flos Carmeli is Latin for "Flower of Carmel" and was first used as the sequence for the Feast of St. Simon Stock. Beginning in 1663 it became the sequence for the Feast of Our Lady of Mt Carmel. It is said to have been written by St. Simon Stock himself (c1165 – 1265). The prayer is taken from the first two stanzas of the sequence.
Oral tradition tells of St. Simon Stock praying with a passionate intensity to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel during a time of great distress and hardship for the Order. With fervor and faith, he prayed for the first time the Flos Carmeli prayer which he wrote. And Our Lady answered that prayer. Thus, for seven centuries the Flos Carmeli continues to be prayed to the Blessed Mother with the firm faith that she she will answer its request with her powerful help.
The prayer below is from the first two verses of the longer sequence. I must admit that I love the prayer and pray it often.
By Sister Timothy Marie, O.C.D.
Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles
Flos Carmeli Prayer
O beautiful Flower of Carmel, most fruitful vine,
Splendor of Heaven, holy and singular,
who brought forth the Son of God,
still ever remaining a Pure Virgin,
assist me in this necessity.
O Star of the sea, help and protect me!
Show me that Thou art my Mother.
O Mary, conceived without sin,
pray for us who have recourse to Thee!
Mother and Beauty of Carmel, Pray for us!
Virgin, Flower of Carmel, Pray for us!
Patroness of all who wear the Scapular, Pray for us!
Hope of all who die wearing the Scapular, Pray for us!
St. Joseph, Friend of the Sacred Heart, Pray for us!
St. Joseph, Chaste Spouse of Mary, Pray for us!
St. Joseph, Our Patron, Pray for us!
O sweet Heart of Mary, Be our salvation!
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To learn more about the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles, read their biography below and visit their website (link provided at the bottom of the bio).
We encourage you to support the work of the sisters with your prayers and through donations and planned giving. Click here[2] to learn more..
If you hear God calling you to the religious life, I encourage you to visit their vocations page[3]. – Deacon Mike
Or for more information, please contact:
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920 East Alhambra Road
Alhambra, California 91801
- [Image]: http://www.integratedcatholiclife.org/wp-content/uploads/giovanni-battista-tiepolo-the-madonna-of-carmel-and-the-Souls-of-the-purgatory-detail-featured-w740x493.jpg
- here: http://www.carmelitesistersocd.com/giving-opportunities/
- vocations page: http://www.carmelitesistersocd.com/vocation/
Source URL: https://www.integratedcatholiclife.org/2014/07/carmelite-sisters-flower-of-carmel/
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