Wednesday, June 20, 2012

MISSION: Camaldolese hermits (OSB. Cam.) commemorate 1,000th anniversary

Camaldolese commemorate 1,000th anniversary

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CWN - June 20, 2012

The Holy Hermitage of Camaldoli commemorated the 1,000th anniversary of its foundation by St. Romuald on June 19, the saint's feast day. Cardinal Giuseppe Bertello, president of the Governatorate of Vatican City State and Pope Benedict's special envoy for the commemoration, was the principal celebrant at the hermitage's June 19 Mass.

Drawing upon the Desert Fathers, St. Romuald encouraged some monks to live in solitude as hermits. "Saint Romuald, the father of the Camaldolese monks, striving for eremetic life and discipline, wandered through Italy for many years, building monasteries and tirelessly promoting the evangelical life among monks," Pope Benedict recalled in his letter for the anniversary.