Earthquake in Anglo-Catholicism: Bishop of Fulham to convert to Rome; Forward in Faith 'not part of Church of England'
Bishop Broadhurst: resigning to join the Ordinariate
Bishop Broadhurst made his announcement at Forward in Faith's national assembly in London today. I'm told that the mood was very sympathetic towards the Ordinariate scheme. Update: Since writing this post, I've listened to a clear and elegant speech on the FiF website by Fr James Patrick (in secular life, His Honour Judge James Patrick) explaining that the Ordinariate is "at the heart of the Pope's mission" and encouraging those who are committed to joining the structure to form part of the "first wave". Fr Patrick refers to a "Lenten journey". Do I detect a hint that there could be mass receptions into the Catholic Church at Easter?
If the chairman of Forward in Faith, together with the flying bishops of Ebbsfleet and Richborough, are joining the Roman Ordinariate, then you can see why members who want to stay in the C of E suddenly needed a new body – the Society of St Wilfrid and St Hilda, aka "Hinge & Bracket", founded this month by "catholic" bishops in the General Synod. For true opponents of women priests this is a desperate last option, because H&B can't offer any meaningful safeguards from women's ministry. For those many Anglo-Catholics who are prepared to soften their stance, however, it's a quiet route back into the mainstream of the established Church.
So many things are happening at once that it's difficult to write authoritatively; the picture will be clearer in a few days. But here are some observations:
1. The Ordinariate is picking up momentum. Not only is the chairman of Forward in Faith joining, but so is the president of the Church Union, the Rt Rev Edwin Barnes, retired Bishop of Richborough. So that makes four C of E bishops we know are crossing the Tiber: +John Broadhurst, +Andrew Burnham, +Keith Newton and +Edwin Barnes, and there will be others. Critics of the Ordinariate may scoff at its small size – and I really do think it will be small when it launches early next year – but the fact remains that three out of the four bishops appointed by Synod to minister to traditionalists are joining this new semi-autonomous Catholic body set up by Pope Benedict XVI.
2. Bishop Andrew Burnham of Ebbsfleet and Bishop Keith Newton of Richborough are "on study leave". I wonder if that means they're in the process of receiving instruction now. That's the rumour doing the rounds, but it is only a rumour.
3. I'm surprised (but pleased) that the Bishop of Fulham is taking the plunge this year, rather than waiting. I know I always refer to him disrespectfully as "wily old John Broadhurst", but when I knew as a Synod activist he was wily and a bit of an operator. I presume he's sorted out the problem of having been born a Roman Catholic, which complicated things. Being married, he couldn't have been an RC bishop anyway. He's good fun, as I recall, always ready with a joke (often at the expense of the more camp Anglo-Catholics). And he's a "big beast" of Anglo-Catholicism, not a marginal figure. I suspect he may convince waverers to follow his example. Update: Having now listened to his speech on the website, I'm glad he's unequivocal about joining the Ordinariate, but I wish he would be less bitter about losing various battles in the C of E. In the long-term, defeat was inevitable.
4. The success of Pope Benedict's visit to Britain has help moved things along, no doubt about it. I'm sure the Ordinariate was at the back of the Holy Father's mind throughout his trip, and he explicitly asked the Bishops of England and Wales to support it just before he left. Here's a thought: one reason the Pope and Mgr Marini were so anxious that the liturgy at Westminster Cathedral should be done properly (rather than mucked around by Eccleston Square) may have been a desire to show Anglo-Catholics that the mother church of England and Wales was in full command of the Roman liturgy. These things matter to those Anglicans who go to great lengths to master the Roman Rite themselves. (As I've written before, I hope Anglo-Catholic parishes that reject the Pope's offer will tone down the Roman stuff.)
5. I've been sceptical that any Anglo-Catholic parishes will join the Ordinariate en masse. There are so many practical difficulties – but that hasn't stopped St Peter's Folkestone from deciding to give it a go. Good for them. Here's a statement from their PCC, courtesy again of Anna Arco: "At its meeting on September 28th, the PCC of Folkestone St Peter unanimously requested the Churchwardens to approach The Archbishop of Canterbury, our Diocesan Bishop, in order to consult about the wish of the PCC and many of the congregation to join the English Ordinariate of the Catholic Church when it is erected. We are anxious that this should be made as easy as possible, not only for us, but for the diocesan family of Canterbury that we shall regretfully be leaving behind."
I won't speculate about the size and shape of the English Ordinariate (one of several around the world, including Scotland) because I don't have enough information. I gather that members of Forward in Faith who are interested in joining are being told to contact the ex-Anglican Bishop Alan Hopes, now of Westminster.
But I think we can say that, although it will be modest in size, the Personal Ordinariate for England is a big deal.
It is being set up by a major decree of the Pope; it will offer ex-Anglicans an unprecedented degree of independence from unsympathetic local RC bishops; it will form part of a worldwide network that will include the former leaders of the independent Traditional Anglican Communion (now entering into full communion with the Holy See); and it has already attracted the support of well-known English Anglo-Catholic bishops as well as enthusiastic younger clergy. The nature of its "patrimony" will vary from place to place, but Bishop Burnham has already made it clear that its priority is evangelism. This is a historic change to the English ecclesiastical landscape, arguably the true culmination of the Oxford Movement, and an answer to many prayers – including, perhaps, those of Blessed John Henry Newman.