Mary, Mother of Carmel
Our Sister!
Our Guide and Friend!
Mary is the role model of every Carmelite nun -
In her listening to the Word, pondering and treasuring the Word of God in her heart,
In her prayer of praise , her exultant song, the 'Magnificat',
In her loving intercession for the needs, great and small, of others, as we see in her at the marriage feast at Cana,
In her standing by the cross of Jesus, participating in His saving death,
In her praying the Spirit into the world, in the company of the disciples, at Pentecost,
In her mothering of the world, the poor, the wounded, the broken among us,
In all these ways and in so many other ways, she, the humble one, is our icon, our model in discipleship, in the following of her Son. Carmel loves to call her Mother and Sister; to honour her as Queen and Beauty of Carmel, Virgin most Pure; to address her as Our Lady of Mount Carmel, our Patroness and Protectress; Carmelites delight in being members of 'The Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel'.
She is the beloved daughter of the Father, Mother of the Son and Spouse of the Holy Spirit. She is the temple of the Most Holy Trinity and mother of our inner lives, nourishing Christ's life in each of us.
Hail Mary! Full of grace!