I know a few of you have said maybe you'd like to go one day to a Theology of the Body course ... or I have simply told you, you should go one day - because I think everyone should go or maybe I have never even brought it up to you but either way I figured I'd let you know about this upcoming TOB I.
Seriously, no matter who you are, no matter where you are in your faith journey, this will be a good experience for you. Theology of the Body has changed my life and helped me understand church teaching about a million times better than before (my level was low before so a million might not even be an exaggeration! ;)
If you can go - go! If you can't pray about going another time. If you want to ask me questions please do. I'm happy to share my experience and can put in you contact with others who have enjoyed these courses too, both men and women so feel free to ask for references.

June 8 - 13, 2014
Taught by Christopher West
Blessed John Paul II's Theology of the Body is not only a teaching on sexual love, but it has implications for all of theology and provides a compelling way to present the Gospel message to the modern world. Our late Holy Father challenged the faithful to a deeper knowledge of the faith and a renewed ardor to share it.
Theology of the Body III: The New Evangelization will examine the implications of Blessed John Paul II's Theology of the Body for the "new evangelization."
This course is available only to those who
have completed TOB I and TOB II.
This course is expected to sell out quickly. Register today!
Registration Deadline:
May 16, 2014*
June 22 - 27, 2014
Taught by Bill Donaghy
Blessed John Paul II's Theology of the Body is not only intellectually stimulating. The truths it proclaims are life-changing, especially for those wounded by the lies of our sexually-charged culture.
This "Head and Heart" Immersion Course offers rigorous academic study and seeks to facilitate personal integration of the material, helping students journey from "head to heart."
The Theology of the Body Institute is pleased to offer this one-of-a-kind course in conjunction with the Institute for Priestly Formation and Creighton University.
This course is expected to sell out quickly. Register today!
Registration Deadline:
May 30, 2014*
For registration information, please contact Tess Akre, Program Assistant:
For information regarding the Certification Program, please contact