2015-08-02 Vatican Radio
(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has sent a letter of greeting and encouragement to participants of an Interuniversity Congress on Saint Theresa of Avila.
The letter, signed by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin on behalf of the Holy Father, expresses gratitude to the Academic world for highlighting the relevance of Saint Theresa's teachings.
Organized by the Catholic University of "Santa Teresa de Jesus de Avila" in collaboration with other Catholic Universities, the 3-day Congress entitled "St. Teresa of Avila, Maestra de Vida" is taking place in Avila, the city where Theresa was born 500 years ago.
The main purpose of the congress is to bring the figure of St. Teresa of Avila closer to those in academia and university circles by examining the figure of the great mystic from different perspectives, including, the impact St. Teresa and her writings have had and will continue to have on the New Evangelization, on our interior and daily lives and on modern society today.
Organizers say that while examining the validity and scope of her teachings during this congress, "we hope to foster a deeper understanding of her spirituality and to discover her as an example for future generations".
In his letter, Pope Francis also urges participants at the Congress to find in the contemplation and meditation pursued by Theresa - whom he describes as a "master of prayer" – the source of true science and authentic values that are at the basis of life.
Over 3.000 representatives of Universities all over the world have been invited to this congress where experts in the figure of St. Teresa as well as intellectuals from the five continents, philosophers and theologians will be lecturers.