Monday, August 16, 2021

Joyfully Orthodox Catholic: Aug 12 - 14 / ST MAXIMILIAN KOLBE, OFM cap.

12. Life with Jesus is full of surprises. He is better than you imagine he is. There can be so many ups and downs in a single day. Try to keep your heart on him. Maintain your routines best you can when you have breaks from work/holidays for example. Do some things you enjoy each day. Talk to him and talk to him and have silence and quiet, and allow yourself to see the beauty around you.  Create beauty around you.

13. Talk to Jesus. Stay in 'reality', and if you don't know what that is ask Jesus to Keep You in reality. You'll be surprised in life how many people choose the opposite! You'll eventually discover the healthy and unhealthy relationships that you have, and have had, over the years.
       Spend time with Jesus; prayer journaling can be a help. Spend time with friends who will give you a hug!

14. The Saints, like Maximilian Kolbe who's commemorated today, are real supports to you. Get to know at least one or two saints.  Heroes, we all need heroes. Jesus comes to you in young friends and old, in friends you disagree with and friends you're on the same page with.
       Time is not long in this life. That's a fact. Years go by fast. Do the best you can to keep heart and mind and actions on Jesus and what is important in his eyes. You know his will through orthodox Bible interpretation and the orthodox teaching of the Church in faith and morals.