Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Joyfully Orthodox Catholic: Aug 16 / Haters' gonna hate.

Joyfully Orthodox Catholic: Aug 16

16. How to thrive and not just 'survive' in a society that increasingly hates you (or at best 'pities' you with a tinge of contempt)?; a culture that calls you mentally ill / insane / self-hating gay / gay who's internalised societal and religious homophobia?

1) Keep eyes and heart on God in Jesus - where your PEACE is There abides Your Life, Your Hope, the future that God Has Promised For You (Jer.29:11).

Some days are overflowing with temptations, But, Jesus "promises us way out" (1 Cor. 10:13) and he provides. When you 'crash and burn' say sorry, to Him and to yourself - cuz you're the one who's suffering as a result - do what you need to do to regain your inner peace and stability, and try to keep on the narrow path. It is hard, some days more, some days less.

2) Keep on doing things that you love to do.

3) Keep spending time with people you love and who love you.