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Tuesday, September 7, 2021


 18. Your addictions are there. Try your best not to let them get the better of you. Mass and regular confession will help you. Best you go to a church where you have an actual community - even better if you are friends with the priest.

19. No matter how hard it may be to go to Mass and stay at Mass once you're there, your soul, the depths of your being needs Jesus as you meet Him there.

20. Your faith and moral convictions keep you alive.

21. Temptations to sexual sin are a 'siren song' that lead you to the rocks that will 'destroy your ship/life'. Beauty is powerful; strength embodied in beauty is powerful, even breathtaking, and that is a Good and a gift from God to you and to the world. Sometimes you'll feel overwhelmed by emotions, and confusion. Sometimes you'll crash and burn: but Jesus is bigger than all the temptations that can grip you and He stays with you no matter what.