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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Blessed Feast of the Piercing {Transverberation!} of St Teresa of Avila's Heart!!! - 26 Aug. 2015



Pope Francis: letter to Hebrew-speaking Catholic community

Pope Francis: letter to Hebrew-speaking Catholic community
2015-08-26 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has written a letter to Fr. David Neuhaus, SJ, who heads the St. James Vicariate for Hebrew-speaking Catholics in Israel, on the occasion of the 60thanniversary of the founding of the Vicariate as the Work of St. James – so named after the Apostle who led the Church at Jerusalem in the founding generation. Signed by the Cardinal Secretary of State, Pietro Parolin, the letters states, “The Holy Father was pleased to learn of the celebrations marking the sixtieth anniversary of the Apostolate of Saint James and he sends cordial good wishes to you and the priests, religious and Hebrew speaking Catholics of the Saint James Vicariate.”

The letter goes on to promise prayers for the continued and constant spiritual renewal of the Vicariate and its members. “In this way, not only will the Vicariate community be strengthened,” the letter reads, “it will also become an ever more effective instrument of dialogue and peace within broader society and a sign of Christ’s love for those most in need.”

Please find the text of the letter in Enlgish, below

"The Holy Father was pleased to learn of the celebrations marking the sixtieth anniversary of the Apostolate of Saint James and he sends cordial good wishes to you and the priests, religious and Hebrew speaking Catholics of the Saint James Vicariate. As you reflect on the many graces bestowed by God upon the Apostolate and Vicariate throughout these years, His Holiness prays that all of you may be renewed in your joyful witness to the Gospel, “not only with words, but above all by lives transfigured by God’s presence” (Evangelii Gaudium, 259). In this way, not only will the Vicariate community be strengthened, it will also become an ever more effective instrument of dialogue and peace within broader society and a sign of Christ’s love for those most in need. Commending the Saint James Vicariate to the maternal intercession of Mary, Mother of the Church, Pope Francis willingly imparts his Apostolic Blessing as pledge of peace and joy in the Lord.”(from Vatican Radio)

Les catholiques hébréophones de Terre Sainte

Les vœux du Pape pour les catholiques hébréophones de Terre Sainte
2015-08-26 Radio Vatican

(RV) Le Pape François a présenté ses vœux au Vicariat Saint Jacques, pour les catholiques d’expression hébraïque en Israël, qui a célébré début août ses soixante ans d’existence. Dans une courte lettre adressée au père David Neuhaus, vicaire patriarcal pour les fidèles hébréophones, et signée par le cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secrétaire d’État du Saint-Siège, le Saint-Père souhaite que le Vicariat devienne « un instrument plus efficace de dialogue et de paix au sein de la société ». Il assure les fidèles et les responsables du Vicariat de ses prières et leur accorde sa bénédiction apostolique.

Il dit prier pour tous puissent être renouvelés dans leur témoignage joyeux de l'Évangile, « pas seulement avec des mots, mais surtout par des vies transfigurées par la présence de Dieu », citant l'exhortation apostolique Evangelii Gaudium.

Il a dit souhaiter que que la petite communauté du vicariat puisse devenir « un instrument plus efficace de dialogue et de paix pour la société, et un signe de l'amour du Christ pour tous ceux qui en ont le plus besoin. » La communauté est notamment très active auprès des migrants africains, nombreux en Israël.

Une place originale dans la communauté chrétienne de Terre Sainte

L’Œuvre Saint-Jacques, approuvé par le Patriarche Alberto Gori le 11 février 1955, a été fondée dans le souci de répondre aux besoins pastoraux des fidèles catholiques d’expression hébraïque, juifs et non juifs.

Selon le site du Patriarcat latin de Jérusalem, les trois missions principales de ce Vicariat sont :

1. Créer et développer en Israël des communautés catholiques hébréophones, composées de croyants juifs et non juifs bien intégrés dans la société israélienne.

2. Servir de pont entre l’Église et le peuple d’Israël en renforçant les liens d’amitié entre juifs et chrétiens.

3. Dans un contexte de violence et de conflit armé, témoigner des valeurs chrétiennes de paix et de justice, de pardon et de réconciliation.

Aujourd’hui, il existe des communautés d’expression hébraïque dans quatre grandes villes : Jérusalem, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Haïfa et Beersheva. Le Vicariat comprend en outre deux communautés russophones dont les membres sont insérés dans la société israélienne.

(Tratto dall'archivio della Radio Vaticana)

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Rome declares Syriac Catholic Bp. Flavian-Michel Malké a martyr

Rome declares Bp. Flavian-Michel Malké a martyr

(Christian Today) - Thousands of Syrian and Iraqi Christians who have fled the atrocities of Islamic State are expected to attend the beatification of a Syriac Catholic bishop later this month.

The celebration comes after Pope Francis authorised a decree declaring Bishop Flavien-Michel Malké to be a martyr. The beatification will take place in Lebanon exactly a century after Bishop Malké was killed in Turkey on 29 August 1915, victim to the Ottoman Empire's attempt to exterminate Christian minorities.

The beatification liturgy will be celebrated by Ignatius Youssef III Younan, Syriac Patriarch of Antioch, at the Our Lady of Deliverance convent.

Patriarch Younan said: "In these painful times experienced by Christians, especially the Syriac communities in Iraq and Syria, the news of the beatification of one of their martyrs, will surely bring encouragement and consolation to face the today's trials of appalling dimension.

"Blessed Martyr Michael, intercede for us, and protect especially the Christians in the Orient and all the world in these hard and painful days."

Bishop Malké was born in 1858 in Kalat'ül Mara, a village in what is now Turkey but was then part of the Ottoman Empire. He was martyred in Gazireh, Turkey. He originally joined a monastery of the Syrian Orthodox church but then converted to the Syriac Catholic church. Both churches use the same West Syrian rite.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Chinese faithful: "You can’t remove the cross in our hearts."

Chinese faithful: "You can’t remove the cross in our hearts."

Christian Martyrs of the Boxer Rebellion

(UCANews) - More Christian and Catholic groups and bishops, both inside and outside China, are protesting the Chinese government's cross-removal campaign in Zhejiang province.

On July 31, two separate groups of priests who graduated from the Central and Southern Seminary in Wuchang and the Sheshan Seminary in Shanghai condemned the campaign in public statements circulated on the Internet, with one group comparing it to the persecution that occurred during the 1966-1976 Cultural Revolution.

One of the priests, who identified himself as Father Ambrose, told that he and 20 classmates from the 2001 class at Central and Southern Seminary lobbied their respective bishops to protest the campaign.

“The prelates may need more time to think over and consider the timing of their remarks. In order to not pressure them, we decided to speak out in the name of our graduate class,” Fr. Ambrose said.

In a separate statement, nine priests who graduated from Sheshan Seminary in 2000 compared the cross-removal campaign to the killings of scholars during the Qin Dynasty, 221-206 B.C., and the widespread persecution that occurred during the Cultural Revolution.

Three underground bishops who are not recognized by the government — John Wang Ruowang of Tianshui, Joseph Wei Jingyi of Qiqihar and Peter Shao Zhumin of Wenzhou — have also spoken out, joining the voices of several government-approved bishops, who spoke in protest of the campaign in late July.

In Hong Kong, the diocesan Justice and Peace Commission and several Protestant churches held a prayer service outside the central government’s Liaison Office Aug. 3, saying the cross-removal campaign was persecuting Christians.

Participants displayed crosses and banners that read “can’t remove the cross in our hearts.”

“It is unprecedented to see more and more Catholic groups and dioceses in China speaking out against the cross-removal campaign, as they used to be very low-key,” Or Yan-yan, commission project officer, told

“Since the campaign began, the Wenzhou authorities pressured the Church economically to remain silent. Today, some protesters face threats and being arrested on political charges, yet the faithful still choose to speak out. You can imagine how grave the situation is for them,” she said.

Posted by Josephus Flavius

Pope to Youth: Do Not Conform to a Mediocre Life

Pope to Youth: Do Not Conform to a Mediocre Life
Sends Message to European Meeting of Youth in Ávila, Spain

Rome, August 10, 2015 ( Junno Arocho Esteves | 1517 hits

In a letter to young people participating at the 2015 European Meeting of Youth (EEJ2015), Pope Francis encouraged them "not to conform themselves to a mediocre life without aspirations."

The Holy Father's message was read at the closing Mass of the EEJ2015, which gathered an estimated 6,000 youth from Europe this week in Ávila, the birthplace of St. Teresa of Jesus. The letter was sent on the Pope's behalf by Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State, and read at the end of the celebration by Fr. José María Gil Tamayo, Secretary General of the Spanish Bishops Conference.

In the message, the 78-year-old Pontiff greeted the participants and organizers who are also celebrating the V Centenary of the Birth of St. Teresa.

"Saint Teresa’s expression, 'in hard times, strong friends of God,' has special resonance when it refers to young people and their yearning for truth, goodness and beauty," the letter stated.

"Therefore, the Holy Father encourages all not to conform themselves to a mediocre life without aspirations, and to force themselves instead to grow in a profound life of friendship with Christ, to become every day more aware of the immense gift received in Baptism and in Confirmation, which spurs us to love Christ in our brothers."

The message concluded with the Holy Father's reminder to the youth to "grow always in love for the Church and for the brothers." He also imparted his Apostolic Blessing to those gathered.

The Closing Mass of the youth gathering was presided by Cardinal Ricardo Blázquez, Archbishop of Valladolid and President of the Spanish Bishops Conference, as well as concelebrated by 30 bishops and 52 priests.
(August 10, 2015) © Innovative Media Inc.

Le Pape s'est adressé aux jeunes rassemblés à Avila

Le Pape s'est adressé aux jeunes rassemblés à Avila, en Espagne

2015-08-10 Radio Vatican

(RV) Le Pape François a envoyé un message, signé par le cardinal Parolin, secrétaire d'État du Saint-Siège, aux jeunes qui ont participé à la rencontre européenne organisée à Avila, en Espagne, du 5 au 9 août dernier, en cette année du cinquième centenaire de la naissance de Sainte Thérèse.

Le Pape y salue cordialement les organisateurs et les participants à la rencontre qui se déroule à Avila, pour croître, approfondir et donner témoignage de leur foi et de leur amour envers l'Église, suivant l'exemple de Sainte Thérèse de Jésus.

« L'expression de Sainte Thérèse, "dans les temps durs, des amis forts de Dieu", a une résonance spéciale quand elle s'adresse aux jeunes et à leur désir de vérité, de bonté et de beauté. » Pour cela, le Saint-Père les encourage à « ne pas se conformer à une vie médiocre et sans aspirations, et à s'efforcer, au contraire, pour grandir dans une vie profonde d'amitié avec le Christ, à prendre chaque jour de plus en plus conscience du don immense reçu dans le baptême et dans la confirmation, qui nous pousse à porter l'amour du Christ à nos frères. »

En rappelant la nécessité de croître toujours dans l'amour pour l'Église et pour les frères, demande de prier pour lui, et les confie tous à la protection de la Vierge Marie, tout en leur offrant de tout coeur la bénédiction apostolique.

(Tratto dall'archivio della Radio Vaticana)

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Pope Francis: On Wounded Families

GENERAL AUDIENCE: On Wounded Families

“Christian families can collaborate with Him by taking care of wounded families, supporting them in the community’s life of faith.”

Vatican City, August 05, 2015 ( Staff Reporter | 2586 hits

Here is a ZENIT translation of the Pope’s address at the general audience held this morning in St. Peter’s Square.

* * *

Dear Brothers and Sisters, good morning!

With this catechesis we take up again our reflection on the family. After speaking last time of wounded families caused by the misunderstanding of spouses, today I would like to focus our attention on another reality: how to take care of those that, following the irreversible failure of their marital bond, have undertaken a new union.

The Church knows well that such a situation contradicts the Christian Sacrament. However, her look of teacher draws always from her heart of mother; a heart that, animated by the Holy Spirit, always seeks the good and salvation of persons. See why she feels the duty, “for the sake of truth,” to “exercise careful discernment.” Saint John Paul II expressed himself thus in the Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris consortio (n. 84), pointing out, for instance, the difference between one who has suffered the separation and one who has caused it. This discernment must be made.

If, then, we look at these new bonds with the eyes of little ones - and the little ones are looking - with the eyes of children, we see even more the urgency to develop in our communities a real acceptance of persons that live such situations. Therefore, it is important that the style of the community, its language, its attitudes are always attentive to persons, beginning with the little ones. They are the ones who suffer the most, in these situations. Otherwise, how will we be able to recommend to these parents to do their utmost to educate the children in the Christian life, giving them the example of a convinced and practiced faith, if we hold them at a distance from the life of the community, as if they were excommunicated? We must proceed in such a way as not to add other weights beyond those that the children, in these situations, already have to bear! Unfortunately, the number of these children and youngsters is truly great. It is important that they feel the Church as a mother attentive to all, always willing to listen and to come together.

In these decades, in truth, the Church has not been either insensitive or slow. Thanks to the reflection carried out by Pastors, guided and confirmed by my Predecessors, the awareness has greatly grown that a fraternal and attentive acceptance is necessary, in love and in truth, of the baptized that have established a new coexistence after the failure of their sacramental marriage; in fact, these people are not at all excommunicated, they are not excommunicated! And they are absolutely not treated as such: they are always part of the Church.

Pope Benedict XVI intervened on this question, soliciting careful discernment and wise pastoral support, knowing that “simple recipes” do not exist (Address to the 7th World Meeting of Families, Milan, June 2, 2012, answer n. 5).

Hence the repeated invitations of Pastors to manifest openly and consistently the community’s willingness to receive and encourage them, so that they live and develop increasingly their belonging to Christ and to the Church with prayer, with listening to the Word of God, with frequenting of the liturgy, with the Christian education of the children, with charity and service to the poor, with commitment to justice and peace.

The biblical icon of the Good Shepherd (John 10:11-18) summarizes the mission that Jesus received from the Father: to give his life for the sheep. This attitude is also a model for the Church, which receives her children as a mother that gives her life for them. “The Church is called to be the House of the Father, with doors always wide open [...]” No closed doors! No closed doors! “Everyone can share in some way in the life of the Church; everyone can be part of the community. The Church [...] is the house of the Father, where there is a place for everyone, with all their problems” (Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii gaudium, n. 47).

In the same way all Christians are called to imitate the Good Shepherd. Above all Christian families can collaborate with Him by taking care of wounded families, supporting them in the community’s life of faith. May each one do his part in assuming the attitude of the Good Shepherd, who knows each one of his sheep and excludes no one from his infinite love!

* * *

Pope: Church Welcomes the divorced as Loving Mother

Pope: Though 2nd Union for Divorced Goes Against Sacrament, Church Welcomes as Loving Mother

Says 'No One Is Excluded From God's Infinite Love' During 1st Weekly General Audience Following Summer Break
Vatican City, August 05, 2015 ( Deborah Castellano Lubov | 3207 hits

Pope Francis stressed this during his weekly General Audience this morning in the Vatican's Paul VI Hall. Marking the first General Audience after his summer break, the Pope continued his catechesis on the family, focusing on the situation of those who have divorced and entered a second union.

In his discourse, Pope Francis said that given the role of the Church as Mother, "She feels the duty, 'for the sake of truth, to 'exercise careful discernment.' Francis noted how his predecessors expressed this, citing St. John Paul II as an example, who did so in his Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio (no. 84).

Pope Benedict XVI, Francis also pointed out, spoke on this issue, "calling for careful discernment and wise pastoral care," saying that there are no 'simple recipes' during his address to the Seventh World Meeting of Families in Milan, June 2, 2012.

The Holy Father said he is especially grateful to the many pastors, guided by his predecessors, who have worked diligently "to let these families know they are still a part of the Church."

"As these situations especially affect children, we are aware of a greater urgency to foster a true welcome for these families in our communities," the Pope said, noting the great number of little ones who are affected by this reality.

"How can we encourage these parents to raise their children in the Christian life, to give them an example of Christian faith, if we keep them at arm's length?" the Pope asked the faithful gathered. While saying there is no easy solution for these situations, he underscored that we can and must always encourage these families to participate in the Church's life. Some suggestions he offered on how to do this included prayer, listening to God's Word, and Christian education of their children.

The biblical icon of the Good Shepherd presented in the Gospel of John, Francis said, sums up the mission that Jesus received from the Father to give his life for his sheep. "This attitude," Francis stressed, "is a model for the Church, which welcomes her children as a mother who gives her life for them."

As the Good Shepherd gives his life, so the Church as a Mother gives her life for all her children, by being always the "house of the Father, with doors wide open." "No doors closed," the Pope told those gathered, speaking off the cuff.

Reflecting on those with failed marriages, the Pope said, "In fact, these people are not at all excommunicated, and should never be treated as such: they are always part of the Church."

The Holy Father concluded, praying that everyone, especially Christian families, "imitate the Good Shepherd, who knows all his sheep and excludes no one from his infinite love."

-- On ZENIT's Web page:

Full text:

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

If we seek God he will show himself to us

"If we seek God he will show himself to us, and if we keep him, he will remain close to us."
- Abba Arsenius

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Pope Francis: "Jesus is the bread of life"

Pope Francis: "Jesus is the bread of life"
2015-08-02 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has urged the faithful to look beyond material needs and turn to Jesus who is “the bread of life”.

The Pope’s words came as he addressed the crowds gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the Sunday Angelus.

Listen to the report by Linda Bordoni:

Taking his cue from the Gospel reading of the day which tells of the crowd that went looking for Jesus, not because they saw the signs but because they had eaten the loaves of bread and were filled, Pope Francis pointed out that those people gave more value to the bread than to He who gave them the bread.

He explained that before this spiritual blindness, Jesus highlights the need to look beyond the gift and discover the giver. God himself – the Pope said – is the gift and is also the giver.

Jesus invites us – the Pope continued – to be open to a perspective which is not only that of daily preoccupation and material needs; Jesus speaks to us of a different kind of food, food which is not corruptible and that we must search for and welcome into our lives.

He exhorts us not to work for food that perishes but “for the food that endures for eternal life which the Son of Man will give us” he said.

With these words – Pope Francis continued – He wants us to understand that beyond a physical hunger, man has a different kind of hunger – “we all have this hunger” – a more important kind of hunger that cannot be satisfied with ordinary food.

“It is the hunger for life - the hunger for eternity - that only He can satisfy because He is the bread of life” he said.

And pointing out that the true meaning of our earthly existence is to be found at the end, in eternity, Pope Francis said that to be open to meeting Jesus every day of our lives will illuminate our lives and give meaning to small gifts, sufferings and preoccupations.
And quoting from the Gospel of John, the Pope said “Jesus said to them: I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst”.

“This – he said – refers to the Eucharist, the greatest gift that fulfills body and soul”.

To meet and to welcome Jesus, “the bread of life” – Pope Francis concluded – gives meaning and hope to our lives that are sometimes tortuous; but this “bread of life” – he said - also gives us the duty to satisfy the spiritual and material needs of our brothers.

To do this – he said- we must announce the Gospel everywhere, and with the witness of a fraternal attitude of solidarity towards our neighbor, we can make Christ and his love present amongst men.

L’homme porte en lui une faim d’éternité que seul Jésus peut assouvir - Pape

L’homme porte en lui une faim d’éternité que seul Jésus peut assouvir
2015-08-02 Radio Vatican

(RV) L’homme porte en lui une faim de vie, d’éternité que seul Jésus peut assouvir. Le Saint-Père l’a rappelé lors de la prière de l’angélus en ce premier dimanche du mois d’août. Devant des milliers de fidèles rassemblés place Saint-Pierre, sous une chaleur torride, le Pape François a commenté l’Évangile du jour, chapitre six selon Saint Jean. Lorsqu’après la multiplication des pains, la foule se dirigea “vers Capharnaüm à la recherche de Jésus”.

« Rencontrer et accueillir en nous Jésus “pain de vie” donne sens et espérance au chemin souvent tortueux de la vie ». Le Saint-Père s’attarde ce dimanche sur l’œuvre du Christ qui offre aux hommes une nourriture éternelle. L’Évangile de ce dix-huitième dimanche du temps ordinaire, souligne-t-il, met en lumière la cécité de la foule qui cherchait le Christ. Jésus leur dit : “ vous me cherchez, non parce que vous avez vu des signes, mais parce que vous avez mangé de ces pains et que vous avez été rassasiés” (GV 6,26).

En réalité, note le Pape François, « ces personnes le suivent pour le pain matériel qui, la veille, les avaient rassasiés. Elles n’ont pas compris que ce pain (…) était l'expression de l'amour de Jésus lui-même ». Elles ont donné plus de valeur à ce pain qu’à celui qui l’a distribué. Et face à cette « cécité spirituelle », affirme le Saint-Père, « Jésus insiste sur la nécessité d'aller au-delà du don et de découvrir, de connaître le donateur ». Il invite à s’ouvrir à une autre perspective qui va au-delà « des préoccupations quotidiennes : manger, s’habiller, le succès, la carrière ».

Accueillir Jésus “pain de vie”

Jésus, insiste le Pape, « parle d’une nourriture qui n’est pas corruptible, et qu’il est bon de chercher et d’accueillir ». Il veut nous faire comprendre que « outre la faim physique, l’homme porte en lui une autre faim plus importante, qui ne peut être satisfaite par la nourriture ordinaire ». Il s’agit de « la faim de vie, la faim d'éternité que Lui seul peut assouvir, car il est “le pain de vie” (v.35) ». Jésus, poursuit le Pape, « ne supprime pas l'inquiétude et la recherche de la nourriture quotidienne », il nous rappelle que « le vrai sens de notre existence terrestre réside dans l'éternité, et que l'histoire humaine, avec ses souffrances et ses joies, doit être considérée dans un horizon d’éternité, dans la rencontre définitive avec Lui ». Une rencontre qui « illumine tous les jours de notre vie ».

Si nous pensons à cette rencontre, déclare le Saint-Père, « à ce grand don, les petits dons de la vie mais aussi les souffrances et les préoccupations seront illuminés par l’espérance de cette rencontre ». Le Pape exhorte alors à « chercher le Salut, la rencontre avec Dieu » à travers l’Eucharistie, « le don le plus grand qui satisfait l'âme et le corps », à « proclamer l'Évangile partout ». « Avec le témoignage de notre attitude fraternelle et solidaire envers le prochain, nous rendons présent le Christ et son amour parmi les hommes » a-t-il affirmé. 

Le Pape : « la honte d'aller se confesser nous prépare à la miséricorde de Dieu »

Le Pape : « la honte d'aller se confesser nous prépare à la miséricorde de Dieu »

2015-08-02 Radio Vatican

(RV) Après la prière de l'Angélus, le Pape a rappelé que ce dimanche marque le souvenir du grand pardon d'Assise. Le 2 août de chaque année, depuis l'an 1216, une indulgence plénière est accordée à tous ceux qui se rendent dans la petite chapelle Sainte-Marie-de-la-Portioncule, située dans la ville d'Assise, en Ombrie et dédiée à Notre-Dame-des-Anges. De son vivant, Saint François d'Assise avait demandé au Pape Honoré III, à peine élu, d'accorder cette indulgence.

Cette date particulière pour le Pape François est « un rappel fort à se rapprocher du Seigneur dans le sacrement de la Miséricorde et aussi dans le fait de recevoir la Communion ». Le Pape a invité chacun à ne pas avoir peur d'aller se confesser : « c'est vrai que quand on va au confessionnal, on ressent un peu de honte, a reconnu le Pape, tout en invitant à ne pas oublier « qu'on n'y rencontre pas un jugement sévère, mais le Père, immensément miséricordieux ». « Il faut se souvenir que même cette honte est une grâce qui nous prépare à l'étreinte du Père, qui pardonne toujours et qui pardonne tout » a-t-il souligné.(Tratto dall'archivio della Radio Vaticana)

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Pope: St Theresa of Avila source of truth and values

Pope: St Theresa of Avila source of truth and values
2015-08-02 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has sent a letter of greeting and encouragement to participants of an Interuniversity Congress on Saint Theresa of Avila.

The letter, signed by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin on behalf of the Holy Father, expresses gratitude to the Academic world for highlighting the relevance of Saint Theresa's teachings.

Organized by the Catholic University of "Santa Teresa de Jesus de Avila" in collaboration with other Catholic Universities, the 3-day Congress entitled "St. Teresa of Avila, Maestra de Vida" is taking place in Avila, the city where Theresa was born 500 years ago.

The main purpose of the congress is to bring the figure of St. Teresa of Avila closer to those in academia and university circles by examining the figure of the great mystic from different perspectives, including, the impact St. Teresa and her writings have had and will continue to have on the New Evangelization, on our interior and daily lives and on modern society today.

Organizers say that while examining the validity and scope of her teachings during this congress, "we hope to foster a deeper understanding of her spirituality and to discover her as an example for future generations".

In his letter, Pope Francis also urges participants at the Congress to find in the contemplation and meditation pursued by Theresa - whom he describes as a "master of prayer" – the source of true science and authentic values that are at the basis of life.

Over 3.000 representatives of Universities all over the world have been invited to this congress where experts in the figure of St. Teresa as well as intellectuals from the five continents, philosophers and theologians will be lecturers.

François accorde l'indulgence plénière aux pèlerins du chemin Ignatien

François accorde l'indulgence plénière aux pèlerins du chemin Ignatien
2015-07-31 Radio Vatican

(RV) En la solennité de Saint Ignace de Loyola, le fondateur de la Compagnie de Jésus, le Pape François, religieux jésuite, a décidé d'accorder, par le biais de deux décrets de la Pénitencerie apostolique, l'indulgence plénière aux pèlerins qui se rendent dans deux sanctuaires espagnols, durant les célébrations de la première Année jubilaire du Chemin ignatien qui commence ce vendredi.

Il s'agit du sanctuaire de Loyola où au XVI° siècle Saint Ignace, blessé par un boulet de canon lors du siège de Pampelune, a vécu sa conversion et décidé de prendre la route en pénitent et mendiant vers Barcelone pour embarquer en direction de la Terre Sainte. L'autre sanctuaire, c'est celui de Manrèse où le fondateur de la Compagnie de Jésus a vécu une illumination et rédiger les Exercices spirituels.

Moins connu que le pèlerinage de Compostelle, le chemin ignatien est pourtant toujours plus emprunté. Sarah Bakaloglou

L'Eglise est sur le point d'entrer dans l'Année jubilaire de la miséricorde, et le Pape François avec cette indulgence, invite à se mettre en chemin sur les traces de Saint Ignace de Loyola pour rencontrer Jésus. Ce Chemin ignatien retrace sur 645 km l'itinéraire géographique et spirituel du fondateur de la Compagnie de Jésus dans le Nord-Est de l'Espagne, des Pays Basques à la Catalogne. Il suit les 28 étapes que le fondateur de la Compagnie de Jésus a lui-même empruntées au XVI° siècle pour se rendre en Terre Sainte.

Plus d'une fois, le Pape a affirmé que le chemin chrétien conduit à se décentrer de soi-même, à sortir de soi pour mettre Jésus au centre de sa vie. Ce n'est pas facile reconnait François : « Il y a des jours obscurs, des jours d'échec », mais « dans l'art de cheminer, ce qui compte, ce n'est pas d'éviter de tomber mais de ne pas rester à terre », et ainsi de se remettre sur ses pied, pour aller de l'avant car, « avec Jésus tout est possible ».

Le Pape invite les fidèles à cheminer en communauté et avec ses amis, car le chrétien n'est pas seul, il marche avec l'Eglise. Il plaide pour un chemin « créatif » pour atteindre, « avec ce sens d'appartenance qui donne du courage », les périphéries, les personnes loin de l'Eglise bien qu'elles en fassent partie.

Pour se mettre en marche, François indique une disposition utile : la magnanimité. Cela implique d'avoir « un cœur grand, et sans peur » qui mise sur de grands idéaux. Mais la grandeur, souligne François se retrouve aussi dans les petites choses du quotidien.

Enfin, le Chemin de Saint Ignace est un chemin fait de « sainte et belle inquiétude » . Le parcourt celui qui est en recherche continuelle de Dieu, « avec un cœur qui ne s'incline pas » et ne se satisfait pas. Un cœur attentif à ce que lui dit Jésus chaque jour. Pécheurs, le marcheur avance pour se laisser conquérir par Jésus, et pour le mettre au centre de sa vie.

(Tratto dall'archivio della Radio Vaticana)