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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Chaplet of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha

A way of praying the Chaplet of Blessed Kateri in MICHIF

Pray the chaplet with Bl. Kateri keeping your own intentions in mind, as well as petitioning the Lord for her canonisation.

Jeyzus Mon Bonjeuiinaann - Jesus Prayer x 1

Jeyzus Mon Bonjeuiinaann,
li Garsoo kapimaatishid oche
ton Bonjeuiinaann,
kiyanaann oche kapashpii'iiwet.  Answichil.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the
living God, have mercy on us
sinners, our Saviour.  Amen.

Ton Periinaann - Our Father x 8

Ton Periinaann, daan li syel kayaayenn
kiichitwaawann ton noo.
Kiya kaaniikaanishtamann peytoteiie
kaandaweetamann taatochiikatew
ota daan la ter taapishkoch daan li syel.
Miinaann anoch mon paeniinaann
poneeiiminaann kamachitotamaak,
niishtanaann nkaponeemaanaanik
anike kaakiimaiitotaakoyaakuk
kayakochii'inaann, maaka
pashpii'inaann aayik oche
kishokishiiwinn, kaakichiteemiiak
kiya aniie, anoch ekwa takiine.  Answichil.
Our Father in Heaven, your name
is holy.  May your kingdom come,
and your will be done on earth as
it is in heaven.
Give us today the food that we need
and forgive us for our sins,
just as we forgive those who sin
against us.
Give us strength to resist temptation,
and keep us from all evil.  Amen.

Kigichiiteiimitiinaann Marii - Hail Mary x 8

Kigichiiteiimitiinaann Marii,
ekichiiteiimit, Li Bonjeu wiya
avik twa.  Ekichiitakishoyenn
kiya ki tuu lii fam, ekwa
kiichitwaawaanaa mawishwaanaa
kapimotaatayenn kataak Jeyzus.
Kiichitwaawann Marii, Mer di
Bonjeu, ayamiieshtemoinaann
sheemaak ekwa atinapoyaako.  Answichil.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the
Lord is with you.  Blessed are
you among women, and
blessed is the fruit of your womb
Jesus.  Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners, now, and at
the hour of our death.  Amen.

Kichiiteiim Li Bonjeu - Glory Be x 8

Kichiiteiim kii Papaiinaann,
ekwa li Garsoo,
ekwa Ekichitwaawak Kiniigiigwann.
Taapishkoch kaamaachipaii'ik,
ekwa sheemaak, ekwa taapitaw ~
la ter ekaa chiponipaayik.  Answichil. 
Glory be to the Father, and to
the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as
it was in the beginning, is now,
and forever shall be ~ world
without end.  Amen. 

Ayamiiaawinn oche Ekichitwaawak Kiniigiigwaann - Prayer to the Holy Spirit x 1

 Kaaniiganiishtamaawiiak daan li
syel, ana kaochicanawapamigoyaak,
oniigii'igwaanaa kaataapweeit
mishiiweeayaw ekwa kakiio
kegwey kaiitagwak, anda
kaochikichitotagawiiak, ekwa
pimaatishiiwinn kaamii'igoyak;
Pepiitigwee daan mon choer,
chiigaashiiaapawitayenn eegok
pimaachitaa nii'iigiigwaiinaann
kaakichitowishiienn.  Answichil.

Leader in heaven, the One who
comforts us, Spirit of Truth
who is everywhere and is in
all of creation, Source of all
blessings, and giver of Life;
We welcome you into our
hearts, wash us of all our sins,
and save our souls Oh Holy One.  Amen.